Home > What Foster Carers do > Role of your Supervising Social Worker


Following approval as a foster carer with Quality Fostering, you will be linked with a Supervising Social Worker.

There are a small number of Foster Carer links per social worker. This ensures:

  • Quality Fostering is able to be extremely responsive to our Foster Carer’s needs on a day to day basis. Quality Fostering Ltd can be contacted 24 hours a day. We will visit your home if required and attend fostering meetings with you, acting as an advocate. 
  • There is an Individual Agreement between the Foster Carer and the Social Worker which outlines the needs of the child and the support the carers will receive. 
  • Foster Carers are visited at least once a month by their Social Worker when a child is in placement to discuss the ongoing needs of the child and any support needed for the Foster Carer. However, more visits can be arranged if necessary.
  • The Foster Carer’s Social Worker attends all significant meetings about the foster child in placement with Health, Education and Social Services.